The questionnaire has been designed by Sharif Policy Research Institute (Iran Migration Observatory) to measure Iranians’ academics, professionals and entrepreneurs desire to re migrate to abroad who emigrated before for educational, working or living purposes by focusing of recent economic changes in Iran. The questionnaire aims to measure desire to migration among different social categories, which is processing by collaboration with the vice president for science and technology affairs. This research examines the effects of various political, cultural and social factors, and in particular the impact of recent economic shocks (for example, devaluation of currency) on desire and decision to migration.
writing about your name or other identity information is not necessary in this questionnaire and your general demographic information help ours in analyzing data. We promise to keep your information only for doing this research. Thanks in advance for your cooperation
Sharif Policy Research Institute / Iran Migration Observatory
*In this questionnaire “migration” includes various types of
migration, permanent or temporary *
** It should be noticed that whether you decide to stay in Iran or migrate to
other countries or whether you are not sure to migrate from Iran, you can
participate in this survey. **